Ifeanyi Adeleke date of birth

Ifeanyi Adeleke, is known as the first son of famous American-Nigerian artist, called David Adeleke, also known by his stage and nickname Davido or OBO badest. Ifeanyi Adeleke mother is known as Chioma Rowland, she is Davido’s fiancee.

Ifeanyi Adeleke, was born on October 20, 2019, he was the apple of their eyes when they first had him a few years ago, his parents are fond of him and love him dearly, his father Davido has four kids, and Ifeanyi is his third child, and the first child, to his mother, Chioma Rowland.

Ifeanyi’s Adeleke father is known for his special singing, songwriting and record producing skills. His father, Davido left Oakwood University and moved to London, where he worked on his vocals.


After returning to Nigeria in 2011, Davido decided to pause his music career and agreed to honor his father by enrolling at Babcock University. Davido also worked with his cousins B-Red and Sina Rambo to form the music act KB International.

After his father financed Babcock to establish a music department for an initial class of just one student, he graduated from Babcock in July 2015 with a degree in music.

Ifeanyi Adeleke date of birth

Ifeanyi Adeleke was born on October 20, 2019. He is currently 3 years old.
